And so she goes
Splashing through rain to hospital
to where my heart lies weeping,
I hold her hand as she lies sleeping,
and so it goes, and so it goes.
My mother wears the ring she wore
more than seventy years before,
a girl pledged to a sailor-boy,
who'd lived through war,
survived, a vision in her eyes
and so it goes, and so it goes.
This orphan made it home to her
to build a life with scarce resources
forces upon them work, money, children
and so it goes, and so it goes.
On a mild mid-September day
we buried this man she loved,
and now I try to help her live
without him.
I'm doing all I can
but failing, failing, failing
and so she goes, and so she truly goes.
keith jeffries
Sat 8th Jan 2022 20:20
The cycle of life with its strange repetitive nature and unexplained emotions. We see the lives of others through a prism of our own making, sometimes as a participant but it continues regardless. This poem asks many questions of the impact of other's lives on our own and where we stand in the mystery of life.
John, thank you for this. Who can ever compare with Edith?