January 2022 Collage Poem: Seagulls of the Nightclub
The Queen’s Head hanged, another story from the Death House
Necks stretched and they are gone –
Jenny Wren farts in the face of the seagull scrambling
To gobble her up
Those who will steal your food for thought, that parasitic breath
Hung out to dry, to eaten in an afterthought, by the seagulls
It was still worth the joy, the hope and ways of love
But as the wind started, the bus stuttered in a short tempter
Across the road raging war against the seasons
Letters hidden but not forgotten
Seagull slim the girls mock the fat
Man rowing who never grows old
Bitter sad male experience
In despair he smiles
Seagulls scream as the chair is kicked away
He sits at the corner table, nursing his night-black pint
Oh for some relief from the darkness.
Nigel Astell
Sat 15th Jan 2022 01:48
Soaring high
dancing words
poetry nightclub
open minds
never stop
wanting more.