I don't know.......
What my heart is searching for
Although crumbled and fallen apart
How it's beating and loving still
Despite the tortures, troubles and pain
It's survived and is breathing well
I don't know
Who my soul is waiting for
Inspite of all the brokenness and failures
It trusts the hollow words of hollow people
Who'll never dare to walk an extra mile for me
Nor will do anything to save the crumbling bonds
I don't know
What my mind is thinking
Tornadoes and whirlwind continuously
Raging storms and violent volcanoes erupting
Can it find reasons to calm down once again
And live a peaceful mind endlessly
I don't know
Where this path will finally lead me
I'm running with my might and mane
Trying to reach the spot of hidden victory
But these roads are foggy, filled with mystery
I know
That my God is closer than anybody
He's always by my side perpetually
So Lack of knowledge of unseen doesn't bother me
As long as I'm in God's protection and safety
I'll finally reach where I'll live a happy life on earth eternally