Having a sweet tooth isn't bad
But the cavity it leaves behind, makes me sad
Oral and dental problems since long I faced
Now quitting sugar completely I feel so blessed
Since months the process went slowly on
Reducing the intake of confectionery items first
Then moving onto chocolates and packaged stuff
Finally level of intake dropped to two teaspoons only
Detoxification drinks can help release the toxins slowly
Cinnamon tea, lemongrass, green tea or simply water to drink perfectly
Finally the two teaspoons of white sugar exchanged
Taking fresh fruits as an alternative is a better way
As soon as the toxins start releasing from your body
Several changes you will feel incessantly
Making you feel sick, dull and altogether tired
But trust me, it won't stay long and your body will automatically recover
You need no medicines nor any kind of supplements
Only have fresh fruits, jaggery or anything natural
That's enough to provide clean and pure form of sugar
Making your body healthy, energetic and responding well
Sat 26th Feb 2022 04:22
Sugar Babe I once was... now a healthy lady to say🌷