All Contributions Gratefully Accepted
write a poem
everyone's a critic
read a poem
everyone's a philosopher
fold the paper carrying the poem
into an origami aeroplane
aim high, let it go
everyone's a child at heart
hopeful dreamer, lover of the good
unschooled slackline walker, poet
write a poem
do it for mama
it's the least you can do
do it for the cause
every little helps
televise the performance
in the company of celebrities
wear a gibbon suit
stand on one leg if you must
just do it, you know how
in the spilling of ink
no-one dies, everything is ok
in the ensuing mess what may stick
may hold incredible value
inspired words of honoured poets
mark a germinal stage in culture
carried over generations
urgently blooming
about this moment do you see
by all means, feel free, please
go poeming now
John Botterill
Thu 3rd Mar 2022 14:40
Wonderfully witty, Adam. I suppose that makes me a philosopher now. 😊