Beware the bear, my father said,
and he’d been taken to its lair,
read the truth, and clawed his way
from its clasp, a gasp from death
where all breath slows,
in Siberian taiga snows.
Beware the bear,
that funny, honey, sunny-featured creature
which, as a host, will greet you
to its land of ice and hut-filled woods,
with a hug and, open-armed,
insist your stay is longer
than you’d planned,
or thought you should.
Beware the bear,
Which, as a guest, drops in,
often uninvited,
bearing greetings unrequited,
leaving nothing it desires.
Leaving only when it tires.
It seldom does.
Beware the bear, my father said.
Beware the bear.
jennifer Malden
Sat 28th May 2022 17:29
Terrifyingly interesting, and didn't know about the deportations. Was hoping for a putsch. Loved the poem.