What’s Wrong?
What’s wrong with me!
If only I could see what others can see
Does it matter that over beer
I sometimes choose tea?
You see I thought I was free
But in everything I seem to do
That doesn’t appear to be
the case, we’re all in a race
to be the perfect face
Obsessed by the need for information
With a determination
to succeed, to proceed
from where we are, to have the best car
Build an extension with the sole intention
of outdoing others, or taking in Mother
when she’s gets too old, puts her life on hold
It least that will stop her being ripped off
By a greedy care home boss
who fleeces the pockets
of the sick and needy
To me it seems greedy
but I’ve seen it first hand
So I understand a system not fit for purpose
which renders quality of life worthless
So what’s wrong with me?
Is it because of the things I see
that others don’t or won’t?
Or is this just me ranting and raving
when craving normality
instead of so called reality
And in the end, what’s a friend?
Do they help me feel free?
What the hells wrong with me?