12.38: The clock ticks slowly, my mind spins fast
Imaginings hover just out of reach,
how long can a minute last?
01.32: A dialogue in mind as I try, to unwind.
Imagine if I could send you a screen-shot.
of my mind. I'd save all these words.
No. that'd be absurd.
I'd need a screen-shot of time.
To rhyme.
01.48: I'm going to oversleep,
I'm going to be late.
Tick-tock. Tick-toc
Can you relate?.
02,07: Suddenly, my mind, like a kingfisher, dips
beneath the surface,
and from unremembered unconsciouness
Grabs hold of moments, vignettes from the past,
then resurfaces, shaking water from the catch.
03.33: Squirming with embarrassment,
I quickly amend the script, so
it is I who departs with the witty riposte,
the clever, closing quip
04.12: I tease myself with what I should have said,
my unconscious is unconvinced,
more anxiety, quivering, dread
04.57: Apropos of nothing,
my mind suddenly zips
from the past into possible futures,
developing bizarre scenarios
Embedded in a microchip of ice
05.12: In Tokyo in a bar, a clumsy befuddled giant
surrounded by hordes of bespectacled Lilliputians is trouserless
Off the Dublin ferry, staggering around a mythic Liverpool,
covered in sick and asking directions,
answered in a richly incomprehensible double-dutch
06.01: And such and such. My mind whirls and wriggles but never comes to rest
'Ring in with the lurgy. Tell them it's the dreaded version.
Highly contagious. Covid. Self-certificated? Certainly.'
06.03: Imagining how tired I will be,
I finally submit, turn on the light: read.
06.44: If I read any more of this malarky I'll go mad.
The whole world is nothing but sad
I'll have a cup of tea. Sad sleepless bastard. Me..
John Marks
Sun 1st May 2022 20:59
Thank you Ray and a happy May day to you and yourn.
"Sweet May hath come to love us,
Flowers, trees, their blossoms don;
And through the blue heavens above us
The very clouds move on." Heinrich Heine
I am not a generous commentator on others' work, I'm much too focused on my own. So I will not throw stones.
"I wonder why I don't go to bed and go to sleep. But then it would be tomorrow, so I decide that no matter how tired, no matter how incoherent I am, I can skip an hour more of sleep and live."
- Sylvia Plath, 'The Unabridged Journals Of Sylvia Plath'.