Anger Management
We should not yield to anger,
Nor trespass upon kindness.
There are other ways to staunch the boiling blood.
The sight of yesterday’s Victory parade,
With its wind-up, flat-pack military,
Its gross salutes and guns and strut,
Its little man made out of wax,
Talking for ages through his nut,
Made me grimace at the waste
And at the tragic, pointless load
Of fresh-dead bodies, laid in haste
On some unprized suburban road.
In response, I squirmed at every stomp
And laughed, yes laughed, at all the pomp.
Stephen Gospage
Wed 11th May 2022 21:03
That's most kind if you, Stephen. Yes, you have to laugh at all the self-important nonsense.
And thanks to Ray, Tom and Julie for liking.