Willing spirit, weak flesh
Am I really alive?
my relationship with my daily toil
Stunted, Oppressed
by fears of maybe and what if?
the man I portray to the world,
The man that I really am…
Falling apart like a marriage long dead.
Divorce papers on the counter, just waiting for the final word.
The man I am
The man I decide to be
Always at odds with each other
The desires of my Heart
The desires of my Flesh
Ripping me in two.
If I don’t decide soon, the tension will for me.
Which hand am I willing to loose?
my right or my left
Which eye is to be gouged out?
my right or my left
Who am I?
In the World? Or of the World?
must I really desire these things?
Where is the line between wanting love and wanting sex?
Where is the line between wanting rest and wanting escape?
O death, where is your sting?
O life, where is your hope?