Next of Kin
A kinship with the creator God?
what nonsense is this?
He who speaks and the stars form, wants me?
Who are you to tell me such things?
Who are you to say what I am?
Is my actions not proof enough of my worth?
Be rid of me, let me be.
For who am I to offer anything?
And who am I, the one who desires nothing?
and yet all the pleasures to be had in the meantime?
The dark expanse before me, a home of my own choosing.
Who is it that offers me better?
Who is it that gives freely?
Who is it that offers freedom?
Aren’t my freedoms at the expense of others?
Who am I free of? Free to do what?
Who is this anchor in my heart?
A hope for a future I cannot comprehend.
A hope for a life I cannot attain for my own.
Who are you to shatter my expectations?
Who is He? He who sets the captive free and
hands grace to the suffering.
Is this pain not of my own choosing?
Who are you, to say that I am Yours?
Who am I to deny you?
I breathe in, I breathe out. Yet I feel it
not, the Spirit of God.
My Father, my friend, ignored by me daily
Yet faithful as always…