Reframing "Adam and Eve"
So much is lost
in our English translations.
The hurt feelings and damaged souls of our generation,
Cloud our eyes to the poetics of our founding story.
For “Adam” was made from “Adamah”
That being, “Humanity” was made from “The dirt”.
The relationship between
Man and Woman,
For “Isha” was named before “Ish”
That being,
While man may have indeed came first,
He could not understand who he was
without another to show him who he wasn’t.
It is a story, there to tell us a deep and profound truth of being human.
That we are all completely unique individuals,
made in the image of God.
And those around us
are integral
to that realization.
So before you listen to those who are angry,
however rightfully so they may be,
place yourself in the eyes of an infant
and ask,
Through what method would I find myself?
In what way would I find meaning?
How could I put together the pieces of who I am?
Were there no one else to give me perspective?