The Wrong America
We idolised Orson Welles and Lennie,
Walt Whitman and the Louisville Lip,
And got quite fond of little fat guys,
Perspiring and shooting from the hip,
Who yelled, in badly fitting shorts:
‘Honey, I gotta get a picture of that’.
Now, egged on by demented courts,
They seem to favour different sports:
The mean of mind and loud of voice
Would take away a woman’s choice.
Others shoot up schools in ten minutes flat,
Or shout ‘Stop the Steal’ and ‘Hang Mike Pence’,
While cheerfully smashing through
The Capitol’s perimeter fence.
Stephen Gospage
Tue 28th Jun 2022 21:22
My thanks to you, John and Linda. Yes, it is a tragic poem beacuse it is borne out of tragedy. We have to hope that, in spite of everything, the situation can change and reason prevail