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twenty twenty two

humanity was rigged for obsolescence.

consume to be consumed

by the greed grandfathered into the green

of your eden, your infernal birthright.

see, now, as the old growth turns to lumber,

as the Pacific runs black with the blood

of the dying mother. her veins are merely

obstacles to profit, the pipelines of man

poison her knowingly, gleefully. enslave, envy, extract

every resource. she screams out her agony

and rains hellfire on those undeserving to be ants on her back.

you won’t escape the fury on that yacht,

you set the oceans ablaze too. nothing left 

but pain and suffering, our favorite renewable.

hammer into the masses how avoidable it was,

reduce, reuse, rest assured destruction is certain,

and pray no one asks whose idea this was anyway.


◄ sunshine

the sparrow and the copywriter ►


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