Madi Schlief
Updated: Wed, 20 Jul 2022 06:34 am
hello friends and fellow humans! I'm fairly new to sharing my poetry online but it seemed like a better option than letting it fester in my notebooks, so here we are. if you read any of this, hello! I'm open to any and all feedback, lets chat!
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Madi Schlief
cobwebs (03/02/2024)
not-love (24/01/2023)
promises, promises (20/07/2022)
memory (20/07/2022)
faithless (20/07/2022)
i want to want again (20/07/2022)
Her (20/07/2022)
the sparrow and the copywriter (20/07/2022)
twenty twenty two (20/07/2022)
sunshine (20/07/2022)
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