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Worldwide fans will know that I have no issue with others enjoying whatever gender identification they like.  But to pretend that former males should be eligible to compete in elite women's sports is nonsense.  How many former females do you find wanting to compete in men's elite sports?  I wonder why.


(Let’s go girls!)


I’m in the heats tonight; my swimsuit’s fitting tight;

There’s nothing to show hanging out.

Now never again will I race against the men

Since my gender turnabout.


I’ve thrashed the competition since my sex transition

Cos women are much easier to beat;

There’s no chance you’ll detect that I can get erect

For me that means I can compete.


The best thing about being a woman

Is it’s easier to beat other girls.


Oh oh oh

I’m after some metal, A cert for a medal, I’ll stroll to gold

Oh oh oh

Since treatment began I’m no longer a man;

Oh oh oh

My salvation’s self identification

Shaved my legs but got no eggs


Oh oh oh

I wanna be free, yeah

To feel the way I feel;

Man!   I feel like a woman.





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John Coopey

Tue 26th Jul 2022 23:42

I would have an advantage over other entrants, Stephen, what with me being practised in doggerel.
And thanks for the Like, Stephen and Julie and Holden.

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 26th Jul 2022 17:37

Cheers, John. Don't give up on Crufts yet. I've heard they might be a bit short this year.

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John Coopey

Tue 26th Jul 2022 17:24

Thankyou, Stephen. There's nothing wrong with my kids self-identifying that they are 80 years old; but common sense debars them from getting a pension. There's nothing wrong with me self-identifying as a doberman pinscher; but common sense debars me from entering Crufts.

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 26th Jul 2022 17:06

Very funny poem, John. The subject can be very traumatic on an individual level but a line has to be drawn somewhere.

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John Coopey

Tue 26th Jul 2022 15:40

You’re far from the first person to laugh at my singing, MC.
And thanks for the Like, Frederick and Ghazala.

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 26th Jul 2022 13:57

If I miss any Amazon deliveries it's now likely due to not hearing
the bell because I'm laughing so much. So...
I blame you JC
Whatever you choose to be
When it comes to identity
Described in your latest ditty!

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