It's a lovely night dark and dense
Giving me every reason to smile and sleep
Tranquility residing in my deepest deep
I've kept all the promises I made to me
I'm still going strongly on with life
Keeping faith and hopes within my crevice
Those dusky scars that I can see inside
Are the roads I dared to travel alone and ventured
Defeating every grey and black monster
Killing by far single handedly every evil being
Giving myself peace and loads of serenity
A spiritual uplift now I can deeply feel
Sudden calm from the cyclic madness that went around
Few goodevil frenenemies declared extinct and almost dead
Keeping all distances from a life of dredgery
Almost to my destination that I can now clearly see
Holding hands of my God almighty I can make it easily
A divine will, ordained to be in my favour till eternity
I sleep in the lap of goodness and mercy
Untill dawn spreads it's beautiful wings around me finally
Sat 30th Jul 2022 09:12
Yes Nigel, Basking in God's glory and mercy. Always.
Thnx Nigel. Your words complete my poetry.💕