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August 2022 Collage Poem: The Haze of a Sweet Afternoon

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Time to slake our thirst for words

A cerebral circle of wordsmithery

Burying two dozen rats

In your neighbour’s garden

Under their prized rose patch

Whom you’d never liked one night


There’s a rat in the allotment –

What am I going to do?


Don’t worry – every little thing’s all right


So the broken beasts of shadows that speak

A bird, drawn in sand, is freed & flies

Around the Mayfair restaurant

Looking for the 3rd floor


Down the sun slashed alleyway the boy draws

Squares and triangles on the walls – fills them

With images of lager and Guinness

A re-acquaintance with the black stuff,

Magic-ed me back to the haze of wasted afternoons


For his final request he ordered a Guinness, as his

Beautiful hangwoman waited with two Martians and

Leonard Cohen sang of fear at night time.


My 9 foot ten boyfriend from Mars

Will zap you with his Lazer gun,

Orange and beautiful really happened


A broken arrow strikes the stone.


AfternoonCollage PoemAugustStockport WOLDead Rat

◄ July 2022 Collage Poem: Tired Pleasure

September 2022 Collage Poem: Thirst for Words ►


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Nigel Astell

Sun 14th Aug 2022 02:11

Potato fields
Sky Man
workers amazed
jaw dropping
illogical landing
parachute gathered
history continues
anticipating yet
another poem
cleverly read.

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