Days of Innocence
Days of Innocence
Childhood was mostly uncomplicated
I was as naive as my friends
We played simple games
A toy box under the stairs
Nature rambles at school
Learning to ride my two wheeler bicycle
Feeding my goldfish won at a fair
Playing on swings and roundabouts in the park
Adventurous excursions into the countryside
Swimming lessons paid for by Dad
Helping Mum clean the windows
Fixated by our black and white television set
Loathing my sister who was the favourite
Watching Mum clean the grate and lay a new fire
Wearing a souwester and wellingtons when it rained
Picking daisies and looping them into a chain
Searching for caterpillars on the leavees of plants
Pressing flowers and leaves into books
Such innocent memories
keith jeffries
Mon 22nd Aug 2022 18:44
Thank you to all who read this poem and commented. I appreciate your interest.