Within your eyes
If only I could find preconstructed words
Scattered amongst vocabularic sherds,
That could easily describe and characterise
That bright sparkle within your eyes,
For then the world may understand
That, which I know for sure first-hand,
For within those eyes,
All my future pleasure lies,
Deep steely blue pools of passion
Are not as cold as one may imagine,
Like roaring seasoned logs in an open fire
I witness an abundance of warmth and desire,
Flickering in rhythm and rhyme
Countless days have gone and in time,
My future days, unseen ahead
Yet holding neither fear nor dread,
Glistening eyes shine with love and hope
Missed by the miserable misanthrope,
Whilst those close, hang their heads low
Their confidence eclipsed by your radiant glow,
I have followed dreams across this world
Wondering at the majesty I have heard,
Yet starring face on, to this world's beauty
I have to respond, it is my duty,
For you are the songs joyful lark’s sing
Whilst soaring high upon the wing,
You’re the reason for each budding flower
The rising Sun each morning hour,
I now realise that the love I sought
Is in the twinkle of your eye and caught,
Longingly I look and I can see
The lustre of your eyes, above all your beauty.
John Botterill
Sat 20th Aug 2022 13:42
Beautiful, Russell. Astonishing! 😎