The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

some gods want us bloody

gore misunderstood as
invocation at
3 to the Great Unbegotten 
like dust of the duat we dance
to the tone toroidal

waiting for Khepri 
to roll forthwith the day
anew old moments 
as bridegrooms in the borderlands
of morning
forever the Force that 
feasts and feeds 

Light      Mind      Power

to sacrifice
continuous refusals 
give up the ghosts
that govern
the complete anarchy and
madness of leaving the house
with nothing 
but love and the bawling withdrawals for
some gods want us bloody


◄ A Lie To Break Your Heart

64-bit world ►


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kealan coady

Sat 3rd Sep 2022 10:31

Thank you Keith as always for your interest. It's much appreciated. It is a reference to the best time for magick invocations but also represents the trinity in ancient Egyptian Mythology of Osiris, Isis and Horus from which other systems incorporated. Duality, including good and evil, is a very ancient and complicated form of philosophical thinking. I'm glad you picked up on that.
Thanks again for your interest and comment.

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keith jeffries

Sat 3rd Sep 2022 10:18

A poem to provoke much thought. In the first stanza when you use the figure three are you making a reference to the Trinity? Reading between the lines I see a dynamic between the forces of good and evil; I may be wrong but it is a poem which stirs the heart and mind.
Thank you for this

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