Time is now
I'm ready to fly
Take my flight to freedom
Flying across the universe
Catching a glimpse of everything
exploring the deepest deep, highest high
The hills, mountains, glaciers and desert night
I'm ready to dive
Into my beautiful future
With the one and only one
Who is my soulmate true
I belong to him, he's meant for me
It's destined, twin flames shall together be
Finally arm in arm, gently flowing
Into a destiny of love and romance
I'm ready to take a plunge
Into the pool of love
My heart's calling out for you
O my dear one
Hold my hand and let's plunge together
And explore the loveliest realms
That's how God wills it too
I'm ready to live my life
In peace, love and serenity
Amidst the natures blue and green
Enjoying every piece of memory
Writing a history in deep blue ink
Of untold lovestory
That's still in the making
Tue 13th Sep 2022 01:25
Definitely Nigel. With God by my side, there's blessings overload 💕