The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.


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Let it be noted........

To you I was devoted 


Through seven long years 

Of blood sweat and tears 

You helped me face my fears 


Let it be noted .....

To you I was devoted 


I never once was tardy 

Or threw a hissy or sickie 

despite my health being tricky 


Let it be noted 

To you I was devoted


I worked with a smile 

as I walked down the aisle

Happy at least for a while 


But let it be noted 

I'm no longer devoted 


Through this hell hole I trudge 

struggling through swampy sludge

Masked mascara about to smudge 


My hope and glow diminish 

here where they once would flourish 

so adieu, my work here must finish.



So let it be noted 

I'm no longer devoted 


You stab at my flaws 

Never give me applause 

So I seek brighter shores 


So let it be noted 

I am not devoted. 











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