The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 16 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Phillip Kelly

Updated: Mon, 10 Sep 2018 09:31 pm

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my name is phillip kelly , im aged 27, from Wigan, Lancashire, North West England. I am a passionate writer of short stories, poetry and film and radio scipts. I graduated from university last year with a BA JOINT HONS DEGREE IN CREATIVE WRITING AND ENGLISH ( ENGLISH LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE COMBINED ). i'm currently working as a primary school teaching assistant and plan to reapply for a post graduate primary teaching degree at Edgehill university later this year. My goal in life is to become a fully qualified and working primary school teacher whilst also writing and publishing poetry, short stories and film/radio scripts. My fiction writing style is very complex plots and sub plots which focalise on descriptive imagery and character relationships. My fiction writing style is very much of the Victorian era style, very descriptive detail and developing a focus on characterisation rather than driving the story though plot and events. My favourite and most inspirational authors are: -----charlotte Bronte -----Frances Burney -----Jane Austen -----Thomas Hardy my poetry style is very much based on my favourite poets Samuel Taylor Colleridge, Christina Rossetti, William Wordsworth, Alexander Pope, William Shakespeare and William Wordsworth. I always place a huge emphasis on the sound and phonological effect of my poems by using rhyme, alliteration, parallelism, repetition, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia, and other devices. My poems often are very complex and use metaphorical and subtle meanings and are always highly descriptive. My poems usually revolve arond the themes of love, nature and scenery, war and childhood memories.


BREAK-DOWN a BREAK-UP. Tell him it’s over, tell him why, tell him the truth you won’t live a lie. Explain it’s not him, explain that it’s you, explain you don’t love him as a wife should do. Unwilling to commit, unwilling to marry, unwilling to have baby in womb to carry. He will move on, he will discover; he will find love in the arms of another. Part as friends, part as allies, part on good terms, say your goodbyes. Part ways today, part in sweet sorrow; part before it’s too late, there’s no more tomorrow. Walk away today, walk away now; walk away, run away AU REVOIR…... SAYONARA…… CIAO….. ------------------------------------ Fishing for Fella's Scope out the field, locate your target, make your move on a true bargain. Set out the bait, irresistible flesh; the walking wriggle for victim's interest. Cast out the line, straight to the point; with charming smile, in seductive voice. Grow the pole, out on the pull, must be a big'un down below. Reel him in, close and tight; Destiny's dance, romance at last! Now you've got him, hook, line and sinker; in the back of the net, emerge the victor. ---------------------------------------

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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<Deleted User> (13740)

Sun 14th Jun 2020 00:01

Hey Phillip love the poems x

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Mae Foreman

Tue 16th Oct 2018 11:38

Hey Phillip!
Thanks for your comment on my poem "A rhyming idea." I 'm not the biggest fan of rhyme, probably because it's hard to do it and do it well! But the few times that I manage to write in good rhyme I really enjoy it and indeed I did with my "rhyming idea". It looks like you have a gift for rhyming though! Kudos! Write on!


<Deleted User> (17799)

Thu 27th Sep 2018 13:03

I love your poetry, it is so beautiful! Look forward to reading more of your work.

<Deleted User> (19913)

Wed 19th Sep 2018 10:13

Thanks for your feedback on "Naked" Phillip. There is quite a back story with this one and it came straight from the heart. I look forward to discovering your work now too.?

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Mon 3rd Sep 2018 03:16

I love your stuff. I usually just free-write whatever comes out of my head and then clean it up afterward. I never know what style I will use - sometimes have too many to choose from and have to try on a few. Ha, I write as tho I know something! I just know that I used to do what you do and only within the past month or started doing it this way and it is much easier than trying to construct the poem as you write.

I especially love Breakdown..

Thank you for your kind comments. They are appreciated more than you can know!

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Tina Glover

Sun 10th Dec 2017 19:29

Hello Phillip,

I wanted to say thank you so much for the nice comment on my blog it's much appreciated and so far from what I'm reading from your post and poetry his outstanding and I really enjoyed reading it and I'm going to read some more but thank you for so much for the nice comments on my blog and I really liked BREAK-DOWN a BREAK-UP. Beautifully written!


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Richard Hartley

Thu 17th Aug 2017 14:35

Hi Phillip
Just came across your poem "Fishing For Fella's" which caught my eye because the title's very similar to one of mine called "Fishing for Poets".
My poem is autobiographical and I was the victim but I like your poem because you show the situation from another angle.
Thankyou for posting it up, it was good to read.

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Wed 28th Jun 2017 17:37

Hi Phillip Thankyou for you kind comments my poems are real life stories I have never read a book in my life never used other people's work or used their ideas my life has been very complicated so their is much more to come out in my poems keep smiling you have a lovely smile must be all those children love Wendy.

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Emer Ni Chorra

Mon 26th Jun 2017 07:34

Hi Phillip, thank you for stopping by and commenting on my poems. I'm glad you enjoyed them and I am grateful to receive your feedback. Emer?

<Deleted User> (9882)

Sun 25th Jun 2017 23:05

goodnight Phillip,and thanks again.

Rose ?

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Sian Bird

Thu 5th May 2016 14:19

Thank you for commenting and also for your advice. That is just the most recent one i have written but i have a folder full that i have gathered over the years! Abit nervous to put them on here though lol... :)


Sun 17th May 2015 13:12

Hi Phillip, thanks for commenting on Who Would? I love it when people relate to what I write, and am really pleased that it inspired you x


Sat 31st Jan 2015 06:03

Thanks Phillip, for taking the time to read my stuff and for your kind comments. I really enjoyed reading the two poems above - they sound fabulous read aloud and 'Fishing for fellas' brought a smile to my face...looking forward to having a read of some more :)

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Thu 10th Jul 2014 14:44

There are no neat guidelines to this kind of 'prosetry' except identifying a condensed moment, first by seeing the whole and then its parts. It follows the exact 'formula' for short story development: plot; place setting; sequencing; character development; imagery; interesting ending, using all the normal methods but in minimum words. So the crux is vocabulary at your finger tips, and the poetry skills that come into play with the writing of good poetry in any genre. Rhythm is vital.

This 'style' requires great discipline to put the maximum effect possible into a nutshell of content.

IMO, a sense of humour is a requisite.

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jean lucy thompson

Mon 7th Jul 2014 15:39

Hi Phillip many thanx for your comments much appreciated and having read your profile I feel it is praise indeed ty I love your poems too I sometimes find it difficult finding my way around here so please excuse my not getting back to you on the right thread :)

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Janice Windle

Sat 1st Dec 2012 15:06

Thank you for reading and commenting so well on my poem, Philip. Good punning/double meanings in Fishing for Fellas - made me smile!

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Thu 29th Nov 2012 15:56

Hi Phillip, thanks for the time you took to look at my poems.

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Katy Megan Hughes

Wed 27th Jun 2012 21:38

Hi Phillip

thanks for your comment - yes you are right its about the beginning of a love affair, just as its starting, with the anticipation and wariness of the path it is going to take...


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Ray Miller

Fri 11th May 2012 17:53

Hello Phillip. Thanks for the comments on As It Is. Much appreciated. It's really just an ironic commentary on a religious text.Is that a Wigan kit you're wearing? Can we have your manager?
A Villa Fan

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Lynn Dye

Thu 10th May 2012 21:25

Hi Philip, welcome to WOL and thank you so much for your kind comments on Impossibility. I think it is always interesting for a writer to hear others' thoughts and interpretations on their poems, so thanks again.
I just read your profile and poems, and am much impressed, I like "Fishing for Fellas". Keep writing and posting!

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Sun 22nd Apr 2012 17:44

Hi Philip, many thanks for the time taken to comment, lots of detail and really appreciated. It's good to see another perspective. Interesting to hear your thoughts on the third verse - to me my key line is to see a return in a leaving.

<Deleted User> (10260)

Sat 21st Apr 2012 13:05

Hi Phillip, really enjoyed reading your profile and sample poems. I especially like the first poem, the way it flows and the truth about it. Look forward to reading more.

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Ann Foxglove

Sat 21st Apr 2012 06:45

Hi Phillip - a warm welcome to WOL. Glad you are taking part in the site. I agree with Yvonne about having a bit of a gap between poems on the blogs though, as the newest poem you put on there will seem to hide the previous one. Good luck with all your projects - you sound a busy bee :)

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Yvonne Brunton

Sat 21st Apr 2012 03:29

I look forward to your next poem but wait a couple of days or more before putting your next one up as this gives more members time to look at the current one. And as I mentioned earlier commenting on other's poems means they may look at yours and respond.

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Phillip Kelly

Sat 21st Apr 2012 01:49

thanks.....i did actually have it down in journal as that.....just written it out wrong on here......

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Yvonne Brunton

Sat 21st Apr 2012 01:31

Hi Phillip you have an interesting format here. It actually sounds good read aloud althought the metre jumps around.I'd prefer line 4 to scan as : 'Explain it's not him' as for me this places the emphasis on the word not in an easier flow especially as the next line places the stress on 'You'

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