The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 49 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

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jean lucy thompson

Updated: Mon, 2 Jun 2014 11:02 am

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Was born in the late 40's and just recently enjoying life in retirement. (the bus pass is a God send in these times of high petrol prices). My poems are mostly spiritually based but I do include other themes Have just started to read publicly at a couple of poetry reading venues and really enjoy it. A while back I privately published my poems and collated them in a book called Constant Streams Look forward to reading all the poems in here and noticing the differing styles Thank you for the site and the work that has been put into it


On Realising Spirit What is this pearl I see That hides beneath its Shell The colour of the Moon I have not sought it in deep spirals Nor on Pathways mirrored by Hell But I have looked within the Heart And as the flower opens it velvet eye and the scent of Love spreads its arms So shall the flute song of the Lark Inspire the wondrous Dawn to Break Bursting open as a fan Its Golden colours make Thus extols the Life of Mankind His Spirit Once thought mysterious to the Mind Shall now declare its Truth

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Ian Whiteley

Fri 4th Aug 2017 19:39

Hi Jean - thanks for the kind comments on 'This Flower' and your kind comments regarding my poetry work in general - it's very kind of you to take the time to comment - thanks so much

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 16th Dec 2016 17:09

Hi of good cheer!
Remember when the world was engaged in a great world
war, yet Christmas was celebrated unstintingly by those
affected and gave comfort and consolation to those
most in need of it. The films and songs produced during
that perilous time are still with us - and will remain so.

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winston plowes

Mon 24th Nov 2014 20:06

Hi Jean, thx for reading and commenting on my poem 'Preen' funny, looking back it marked quite a change in my life about a year ago. Sometimes you have to take a risk in life :-)

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Phillip Kelly

Mon 7th Jul 2014 15:32

ON REALISING SPIRIT = absoluty amazingly well put together piece of poetry.....the on going metahphors running through poem are very effective, especially in the opening stanza.. the personification of flowers and love works very well and the structure provids a good flow and rhythm....truly remarkable piece of work...thanks.

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Ged the Poet

Fri 6th Jun 2014 11:00

Hi Jean.
Glad you enjoyed "Glasto" and thank you for the comment. Much appreciated.

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jean lucy thompson

Mon 16th Sep 2013 22:36

to everyone ty very much appreciated :)

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Peter Asher

Sun 6th Nov 2011 21:50

Like your sample Jean. I too am drawn to the spiritual element of poetry, but mine aren't as accessable as yours. Well done.

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sun 29th May 2011 15:54

I,m very grateful to you Jean for the kind comments on my poem'Beloved,he waits'-still think your photo is really nice-sooo peaceful!-lotsa love-Stef.xxxx

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jean lucy thompson

Tue 17th May 2011 00:11

ta very much nice to visit again :)

<Deleted User> (6895)

Mon 16th May 2011 23:24

Hi Jean Lucy-love your new photo! nice to see you back.lotsa love-Stef.xx

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sat 7th May 2011 22:40

thanks Jean for comments on 'Sister Moon/disturbing dreams' and 'blushed profusion'.

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sun 5th Dec 2010 10:22

now I,ve sobered up from too many squirrels and badgers,I can see your photo much clearer-its absolutely....tell you when I ,ve had a drink!(but not of squirrel or badger! tee hee)

<Deleted User> (6895)

Thu 2nd Dec 2010 22:56

thank you JLT-re the possible depletion in my stock of thumbs-but for the moment thats the only respectful thing I can put up-when they eventually run out-thats the time to look away! oeer missis! Mr.Wilde-xx

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Marc Lovett

Sat 6th Nov 2010 17:01

Hi Jean,long time passes,trust life is treating you kindly...more of my poetry for safe.Marc x

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sun 31st Oct 2010 23:48

Good evening Jean Lucy-many thanks to you for taking time and commenting on my poem'Waste' your remarks mean more than you know-thank you-nice to hear from you-Stefan-xx

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Thu 7th Oct 2010 22:16

Cheers Jean, off to hospital next week & expect to have the op shortly, so fingers crossed I'll be a happy bunny soon :)

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Greg Freeman

Fri 3rd Sep 2010 12:12

Glad you liked Kingfisher. I haven't seen it for a long time now. They're so elusive and magical

<Deleted User> (7212)

Wed 1st Sep 2010 08:16

Hi JLT - thanks for leaving comments for 3 of mine recently - it's always nice when people can be bothered. all the best. B

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Thu 26th Aug 2010 16:37

Hi Jean, many thanks for you comments on my recent poems. Very much appreciated. TB

<Deleted User> (7212)

Wed 25th Aug 2010 23:07

Hi - many thanks.
all the best. B

<Deleted User> (7212)

Sun 22nd Aug 2010 23:36

Hi - thanks for the comments - I'll post another one of the "lucid dreaming" ones. B

<Deleted User> (6292)

Sat 21st Aug 2010 11:23

Good Morning Jean Lucy,
I am so pleased that my words struck a chord with you.

I have read your profile with interest and great incredulity... having looked at your profile pic I am very much of the opinion that you have an oil painting in the attic. I am going for a bath in asses milk as soon as I have finished writing.
Once more so many thanks for reading and commenting.

Augusta xx

<Deleted User> (8159)

Sat 21st Aug 2010 11:05

Hi jean Lucy. Re artist block - try local life drawing classes. I started like that - went to life drawing classes and found it inspirational ( though now i don't go there). Best of luck! Thanx for reading my poems. X

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Sat 21st Aug 2010 07:22

Hi, dear Jean Lucy! Thank you very much for your comment on my poem "I Would Come Back". With warmest wishes, Larisa

<Deleted User> (6895)

Fri 20th Aug 2010 21:20

Good evening Jean-Lucy-was your first 11-18 posting in blank verse? ha! dont worry-you will get the hang of it-as the Bishop said,better not!-thanks Jean-Stef-xx

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 10th Jan 2010 23:37

really?...nah no way, your boiling my sprouts as we say in Liverpool!

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Tommy Carroll

Mon 4th Jan 2010 21:58

45 at the most you fibber!

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David Franks

Tue 11th Aug 2009 11:23

Just enjoyed "On Realising Spirit", Jean.

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