The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

When I went to America

entry picture

Like a fish outa water a were

When I went to America

Strollin down the Walk of Fame

Tryin not tu step ont Stars' Names

When a went to America


Meetin Charlie Chaplin

Oh wot a to do

An im from Batman

Cant remember is name; can you?

When a went to America


Oh that massage parlour; wot a palarva

Think ad teken a wrong turnin somehow

A was such a silly cow

When a went to America


A couldnt open mi mouth

Without someone askin mi yer been

an where yer from

An how.s the Queen

When a went to America


Up int desert of U2 fame

Thought ad pay mi respects to the holy tree

Till someone mentioned spiders !!!

 Well that was a shame

When a went to America


Still, now am back home an av written this poem

A can look back with fond  memories of

When a went to America





<Deleted User> (6895)

Thu 11th Feb 2016 17:47

did you get Donald Trumps autograph Jean? if so,can you tell me how he signed it while he was wearing a straight jacket? or should have been.U2-top band! my fave track by them?-One love-Great to see yer back in the fold,thanks for the laugh.


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