The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 48 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Erin Renee Moore

Updated: Tue, 25 Jun 2019 02:30 am

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I have been writing since I was about 12 years old. It is in my blood. I fell in love with shel silverstein when I was a child and became obsessed with poetry, language, and self expression. I always kept journals and journals of poetry throughout my adolescent years and thereafter. A lot of my stuff was lost from moving but I still have pieces and more to come. I am hoping to publish a book of poetry soon.


For blessed we are so bow our heads Better to say than left unsaid for all our fears and all our dreads, keep us tangled up in webs Better to fight than never have fought these lessons learned are lessons taught For all we searched and all we sought, will one day be surely brought Using thought to see the light blessed be the fire without power it gives us sight Blessed be the earth beneath our feet from the soil we are meant to reap all the benefits to feed this life not for monetary gain and strife Evolution bears it's name without remorse and without shame This progressive horse has fallen lame yet out of control and hard to tame some things should just be left the same Blessed be the sky with sun and moon We can find understanding of what's taken too soon more seemingly wrought by some harpoon

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Erin Renee Moore

Memoirs of an Alcoholic (21/06/2019)

Fact of Life (20/09/2018)

Weather (20/09/2018)

solid (09/09/2018)

spotless mind (09/09/2018)

The art of being Struck (09/09/2018)

Pining (27/08/2018)

Daydreaming (27/08/2018)

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Erin Renee Moore

Mon 27th Aug 2018 02:03

Thank you so much @Big Sal for your guidance and kind words. I'm still figuring this site out and how to use it. Sorry it took me so long to respond.

Big Sal

Mon 20th Aug 2018 18:33

In this day in age, a dream of being published can be accomplished much easier than before. CreateSpace is a platform for self-publishing, and I have done 2 books on there so far. Anything published on it is automatically put for sale on and the CreateSpace website. However you choose to do it, I'm sure you'll do great. WOL is a great place to showcase some work for feedback. Good luck on your journey, and your sample is a powerful example of simple words exemplifying power beyond their lines.?

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