The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Memoirs of an Alcoholic

This addictive dance is something like a romance

riding on a circumstance, giving in to an induced trance

bargaining for a second chance

A disease fueled by a constant need

A longing for propriety, to be the me that I can be

all just wasted energy it seems

Someone please give meĀ a labotomy, take this wound and lance me free

Blamed it on anxiety, blamed it on society, crutched on a poor dealt hand

What once was compassionate and forgiving has now reliquished to supply and demand

It's time to be my own best friend

Personified to the beastĀ inside of me, tightly wound and forever binding.


◄ Fact of Life


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Erin Renee Moore

Tue 25th Jun 2019 02:39

Thank you!

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Martin Elder

Fri 21st Jun 2019 09:35

the speed and pace of the rhythm in this piece make it almost a dance itself.
Nice one

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