It pleases me to see black and brown players of African, Asian and Caribbean heritage playing at all levels of sport. It pleases me.
It pleases me to see couples, one white one black, with kids of mixed race in tow. It pleases me.
It pleases me to see black and brown politicians at the highest levels of government. It pleases me.
It pleases me to see them at all levels of society.
It pleases me to see how far we have come in my lifetime and it pleases me to see recognition of how much further we have to go.
But it should not please me.
It pleases me because I am of a generation which would notice this.
Please God my children and their children will no longer notice.
If that should happen it would please me.
John Coopey
Mon 10th Oct 2022 19:23
I confess I have ambivalent views on this, Graham. How would it look, for instance, to have MOWO Awards? I rather hope this positive discrimination is a necessary temporary aberration until integration has progressed further.