To be young again
To be young again, carefree, and be
Only me, free of responsibility.
You see, context is key,
I hope you agree that we
Live and grow like a tree,
Branch out and roots go deep
Which may at times keep us steady,
Ready to go or stay
And after hours, night and day
Passes, months become years,
And age amasses. Our fears
Allay and gray days hide the sun
But freewheeling’s less appealing
After ageing’s begun and play
Seems less fun, no urge to chase the sun,
Less speed, less haste, a life now paced
To suit a slower measure, whether we like it
Or not, we’ve got to lump it,
To jump it seems crazy, lazy
Thoughts set in and idle times
As life and hair turn grey
And day by day life gets stale
Bright colours pale and we settle
Like sand on a stormy beach
No longer reach, but trudge
Through sludge, no need to run, for wiser heads know,
As above, so below and all will flow
Loves and life will come and go.
The world remains, in gulps or sips,
Take life by the throat, we grip the bars
Of the rollercoaster cars
And try to sing, to fling our arms aloft,
For harms may shake but we’ll not fall.
And at the end is death,
That’s all.
M x