The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

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mike booth

Updated: Sat, 7 Oct 2017 05:45 pm

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Having spent many years analysing other people's poems I have recently been enjoying producing a few of my own. I have never really performed any, but am thinking of dipping my toe into the poetry world and would appreciate any feedback. Thanks!


Lawns Straight lines, lighter and black, Feeling the sunlight on my back. The grass of my lawn is neatly cut, Blade cutting blade, lopping and shear Ripping the head, casting aside, The tramlines ordered, perfectly wide. A tidy lawn is a tidy mind, And now each day it seems I find The time, the strength and most of all The will to shape my newness of life And up and down to steadily tread, My mind is calm, and still my head. It was not always quite this way, The grass was long just yesterday. Matted knots and moss and weeds Strangled and smothered all I had. I barely knew what I had got, Some might say I'd lost the plot. Funny how hard life can seem When you go wondering in a dream. A daze of shivers, trembling legs, Which sap all strength and leave you weak. The compost built up all around, Yet how I longed for fertile ground. Some seem to keep a tidy lawn. Beds are weeded, grass is shorn. Their lives progress at steady rate, Sleep and work, patios done, Progressing up some greasy pole, And never sliding towards the whole. But my grass has been much forgot, Its first neglect began the rot. Thistles took my troubled mind, No prophet, just such loss and moss, Fresh young shoots the dandy Lion Strangled as they reached their prime. So now each week I tend my garden, Dreams to goals, my tasks I harden. Bringing order makes me feel Some sense of shaping all the mess, And finding beauty for a while, Brings me warmth, a hope, a smile. So next time you see it all o'ergrown, Just be clear, no life's our own. Gardens neatly trimmed and kept Just might disguise a mind adrift, But when a mind can't let you see We cannot live or thrive, just be. MB 5/4/17

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by mike booth

Auld Reekie Town (25/01/2025)

Carpe Diem (26/03/2023)

Crossing the Line (06/02/2023)

Doors (30/01/2023)

Wrong Spaces (28/11/2022)

To be young again (28/11/2022)

Weird Love too. (31/10/2022)

Words of Wisdom (25/10/2022)

posh (27/06/2022)

Liminal (15/06/2022)

Read more entries by mike booth…

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Taylor Crowshaw

Sun 21st Oct 2018 15:35

Hi Mike, Thank you for reading and commenting on 'How' it means a lot...?

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Taylor Crowshaw

Fri 31st Aug 2018 17:56

Thank you for commenting on A Quiet Man Mike. It was really interesting to hear your thoughts. Really appreciated your comments. Looking forward to reading your work... Off to have a look now. ?

<Deleted User> (18118)

Sun 22nd Apr 2018 18:20

Thank you so much for your comment Mike.


<Deleted User> (18118)

Fri 27th Oct 2017 18:53

Thank you so much for your comment on my poem The Bound Bird.
I really appreciate what you say.


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