Life is perfect but am not,
I just hope for the next big thing.
“This is perfect” is nothing but a theory,
A life on a TV screen is nothing but a lie too.
Show me a different perspective,
Where are mistakes accepted?
Irrespective of what I say
And do, is nothing but life
The next big thing to die for,
Is breathing my last breath.
Live for what you want, not
What you would lie for.
You are what you looking for,
A perfect life with mistakes is called human.
It’s in the moments that it feels perfect,
Reflect on the past you might see
What I see.
Sit down in your thoughts you might be
What you are looking for, its true
"you are what you feed your mind".
Slow down and search in the moment,
It’s so imperfect to say the least.
Your life is in the moment,
So live it like it is perfect.
Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh
Wed 30th Nov 2022 08:17
You tell the truth.
Much of what we see on TV adverts, from politicians to social pundits is nothing but lies.
The TV advert for those "virtual reality" goggles sums it up.
it basically says:
"Are you unhappy with Real Life?-then buy this".
In other words "live a lie".