Criticism of this poet, by his friend
My friend, the poet, is a fraud
(He's also intellectually flawed),
He strings together, badly I'm afraid,
Words without rhyme, their meanings strayed,
Undecipherable as hieroglyphics
Less literary, somewhat more scientific,
Four-line stanzas of moans and groans
Naked imagery without any flesh or bones,
I've read several lines of his so-called verse
Each following line appears worse
Than the previous line I read, I'm in shock,
So I criticise him, scoff, and bemock,
A blunt sword is mightier than his ink-dipped pen
Yet continues with this nonsense over and again
He hopes for the recognition he believes he's earned
He's certainly no Shakespeare, will he ever learn?
Russell Jacklin
Tue 6th Dec 2022 11:28
Will do John