I lay my colours down
one over the other
creating hues
and shades
that drift like smoke
across the page
creating scenes
that change and change about
abstract curves
that curl and swirl
and change direction
at my whim
autumnal trees
intertwine within my mind
with springtime scenes
of life and birth
of waking earth
then softly falling snow
that blankets all.
I lay my colours down
one over the other
destroying hues
changing shades
blurring the page
with slow sad brush strokes.
Sun 11th Dec 2022 14:37
Thank you keith, no I am not an impressionist my only claim to artistic fame is that all my greeting/christmas cards are hand painted.
I am not even sure where the poem came from - it arived in one piece completly out of the blue - I am sure many of you know the feeling of 'where did that come from?'
Uilleam it's cold outside - no excuses - get those paints out.
MY further thanks to those who read and liked.