Spinning Our Wheels
Like a whirl wind of distruction
All you have held in anticipation
flying by you in a mess of attachment
unable to grasp
The scene is familiar
Only all is gone
You sink to the bottom of the ocean
awaiting your last sufficating breath
With the weight of the depth crushing you with every darkening thought
With your lights going out one by one
suddenly you awake and realize that you are still alive
what should have killed you
only left you in a foreign lonely place
within the dark depth of the trenches
blind to direction with no will power
you begin to see there is a light
The light you understand to be you
You begin to see the life around you
Only you don't feel your place in it
How did I get here?
How do I begin again?
How do I let go?
What seems like your death is seeded with hope and glory
The light that is in you wants you to live
wants you to see
you must have faith that you are rising to the surface
when you begin to see the glow coming from the surface
you begin to see direction
Courage then perpells you
When you reach the surface
you must swim toward shore
You have been shown the light
the light that holds you in purpose
when you reach the sands
you must choose a direction
you can't live in the sands of a ever rising tide
follow the signs
a place for you still exist
Faith is now your guiding force