Splash! I slipped into the frightening abyss of love
Paddling for dear life, anxious butterflies played merrily
Unaware of the fright and determination to bring you near.
Terrified you held my aching body, weary and battered,
With a softness attentive to my hurried breath,
Calming warmth that rendered me into a stillness,
Suspended in a God like state I am motionless,
In awe of the simplicity hypocritical to my beliefs,
You held me in your presence in the absence of words,
A veil clothed my earthly cynicism,
In the depths of who you are, I found the depths of me.
Melinda Mills
Sun 8th Jan 2023 03:49
Thank you so much Bethany and Rose, I appreciate your encouragement and support. 😃