Back In Knotty Ash (I'd Rather Be)
From your loaf, get 2 slices of bread.
Put on some butter...evenly spread!
Put away the cheese, bacon or ham.
For this butty, you only require Jam!
When I was a Diddy Knotty Ash lad.
They were the best butties I ever had.
Strawberry Jam, Raspberry or Plum.
They all tasted lovely, made by Mum!
Eating one now, I've gone back in time.
To when I lived by a Jam Butty Mine!
I'm older now, travelled land and sea.
But back in Knotty Ash, I'd rather be.
Now, as I write this, with butty in hand.
It takes me back to that Magical Land!
julie callaghan
Wed 1st Feb 2023 18:56
Took me back too. 🙏