Well-beings ? ( #7 - go figure)
I’m seeing well-beings,
being more body conscious,
conscious of the way they look,
looking into the cosmetic mirror
as they contemplate consider,
which teeth they can reconfigure,
liposuction, face filler and a slight tummy tuck.
I’m seeing well-beings,
being mindful and meditate,
meditate into a transcendental state,
stating online rhyming couplets,
from the google guru online,
sitting in the lotus position, at home
drinking a glass of red organic wine.
I’m seeing well-beings,
being particular when they eat,
eating plant food instead of meat,
meeting the pious vegans needs,
while the baron butcher shop bleeds,
and the global high street retailer feeds,
on the methane free fart of greed.
I’m seeing well -beings,
being addicted to mobile phones,
phones are dividing, and taking over homes,
homes, have now become our phones,
and it’s all about the data,
the mighty broadband speed creator,
and who can boost my mega bite.
I’m seeing well-beings,
being social media friendly,
friend me, follow me, trend me,
me, I can be found on Instagram,
hashtag, tweet me if you feel me,
on tic toc, you can see me,
press the button, and don’t forget to like.
I’m seeing well-beings,
being into total fitness,
fitness, fit bit, is my witness,
witness, to my ten thousand steps a day,
and the calories, they are burning,
as the weight loss targets nearing,
rehydrate the body and don’t forget to stretch.
I’m seeing well-beings,
being tied up in our minds,
minds, that do not find the time,
time to reconsider, reflect and reconfigure
get away from the chaos and the rigor,
the instant gratification, consumer procuring nation,
that impacts, on the well-beings, of our mind.
# 7 go figure
Philip Stevens
Fri 3rd Feb 2023 11:52
Not sure of the Rhythm , Billy O' Kelly, Usually, any performance as this was meant to be, has some pace in the delvery. As with Martin, your welcome to recite, perform or even pontificate...'strava slaves', you say, running club website I will have a look see....thank you.