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Phils Words
Updated: Fri, 15 Sep 2023 11:26 pm
A Performance poet, a long time ago, a couple of books published, stylus press... anyone remember them? poetry printed in magazines, thirty years ago.. then lots of performance poetry.. dead good poets, the irish centre, blue coat, the picket, the largo and cream. A couple of plays, well three; kicks, pest control... erm and twisted angels, a brief dalliance into some other acting ventures, all in the past , the ego wasn't big enough but it all helped with the social anxiety and built up my self confidence.
Click on the link below.... a different avenue a poem by phil stevens ... a poem about a film..about two old mafia hit men... if you like that type of thing STATION TO STATAION verse 2 Elsewhere A buskers guitar strums a familiar tune which echoes through the subways from station to station While salvation ! is preached from the soap box as the born again Christians moralise thier words nullify and become part of the noise pollution that just drift into the taxi ranks of waiting people. While the street artist chalks the stone flags creating a concrete canvas of colour for only they know the true value of the weather beaten pavement pictures that are slow fading away, slowly fading away... slowly fading away
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Phils Words
These places (10/02/2024)
Headbutt (16/01/2024)
Family portraits, snap shots of life (17/05/2023)
Sun Shines All Around You. (The nurture of nature) (18/03/2023)
Orange Coral (21/02/2023)
Well-beings ? ( #7 - go figure) (01/02/2023)
I Beat (08/01/2023)
POW ! POW ! POW ! (27/10/2019)
Monday Morning sigh (24/10/2019)
The domestic critique' (20/10/2019)
Audio entries by Phils Words
Family portraits, snap shots of life (17/05/2023)
Sun Shines All Around You. (The nurture of nature) (18/03/2023)
Orange Coral (21/02/2023)
Well-beings ? ( #7 - go figure) (01/02/2023)
I Beat (08/01/2023)
Is it any wonder # (30/10/2017)
The Loss # (30/10/2017)
Power in the word # (30/10/2017)
Infant woman # (30/10/2017)
Rusting with time # (30/10/2017)
Favourite Profiles
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Chester » The Chester Poets (7:30pm) |
Bolton » Write out Loud Bolton (Doors 19.00, start 19.30) |
Liverpool » The Liver Bards (8:00pm) |
Wigan » Write Out Loud Wigan @ The Old Courts |
Chester » The Chester Poets (7:30pm) |
Liverpool » The Liver Bards (8:00pm) |
Bolton » Write out Loud Bolton (Doors 19.00, start 19.30) |
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Many Thanks for stopping by to read & like some of my poems. I appreciate that. I enjoyed your poem Shouting! Look forward to reading more of your work.
<Deleted User> (22158)
Sat 13th Jul 2019 20:29
Hi Philip. Just a quick thanks for the like you left on "My World Within A World". I appreciate it. This also led me to checking out your work and I love what I have read (and heard). You are very skilled and inspiring. Looking forward to witnessing more of your creations. Take care.
Thanks for stopping by my page, reading a few and commenting Philip. I'm enjoying your poetry too! ?
thanks for your kind comments on 'monday morning - 9am' Philip - yes - I'm so glad I finally escaped from their clutches - I think I must have spent half my working life with these characters in these kind of meetings. I appreciate you taking the time to comment
Ian ?
D.knape..that's very cryptic ???
Thu 25th Apr 2019 00:09
pest control eh?
a good career for any budding poet.
all poets need backup
because there is no money in Poetry
it's not a true job
more like an Obsession..
I was afraid to let the crazy out, but after your encouragement....couldn't resist.
Thank you for reading and liking my poetry Phil it is à great boost and much appreciated, Taylor ?
Hi Phillip, I am really enjoying reading your poetry.
Thank you for taking the time to read some of my work. I really do appreciate it...?
Hello Philip, I have truly enjoyed listening to some of your poems, in particular The Loss & Meet me There. Both your delivery and voice are superb as the reader is so comfortably invited into the scene. Thank you, I look forward to reading or listening to more of your work. Keith
Hi Philip
Thank you for your recent remarks on my page. Weirdly enough, I did a poem in January 2012 with the same title. I'm not gonna blog it but here it is:
Slip into the sprinkle of a drizzle-filled day
Plastic bag crisp in hand, aiming for the shops
Feet to floor
Pavement pound
Carry on
Past the step
yellow tread
bearing Bulmers: lippy-stained
halfway drained
Pavement decorated in
a strange shade of sick
J’arrive at ‘The Parade’!
The Mean Street of Thatto Heath
Stench of piss and pizza
wraps itself around my mouth
as I kick along the papers
that cradled last night’s chips
Pit-shaved grinning princess,
billboarded, looks down
From within her perma-tan, she oozes
Blinding me with bleachy teeth and peachy poreless face
I hope to fuck my DNA does not contain that kind of clean
Feet to floor
Pavement pound
Past the bus stop;
betting shop;
fag shop; tat shop;
takeaway; SALON;
takeaway; TANNING;
takeaway, takeaway;
‘health advice for minor conditions’ -
free inside the pharmacy
There’s no water in the fridges of the takeaway shops
And I didn’t want pop. They looked at me weird.
Social pariah, for wanting water.
Feet to floor
Pavement pound
Homeward bound
Past the salon
Chip fat alley
Tan tat fag bet bus
Ministering pharmacist
Past the step
yellow tread
Bulmers gone
Small red shoe there now instead
… wonder who..?
Tiny tatty lone red shoe
Torn too. Wonder if she’s..?
Nearly home
Nearly there
Rid my mouth of piss and murk
Home from hell on earth
a walk to the shops
and a musing or four
And then I recall
I forgot
I went for
Hi Philip thanks for taking the time to comment on the Smegroyds. You really wouldn't want them moving in near you.
Cheers Kevin
These WOL-ers really are a great bunch, very eclectic in interests, background, and ages. I'm really glad you've decided to join. There will always be someone to surprise and stimulate you.
IMO, joining in with comments is hugely rewarding. Or even using the 'Flower Button'.
Thank you for comments around G C D7 G , lovely feedback... my first poem for 20 years .
inspired to write by fellow poets of write out loud..
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Nigel Astell
Sat 12th Oct 2019 14:33
Thanks Philip for your likes on Halfway There and Craving