The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

Last Walk

Lizards scatter with small stones

as he trips up the mountain road,

kalderimes are too bumpy now.



He's been here before

a thousand feet above nut town 

where crumbling churches 

send peels of God down 

to the sea. 


He's been here before.


'Are there cicadas?....  I don't hear them.'





White scree falls recall…

sodden summers wrapped in mist.

Lakeland views packed away 

gifts for some other stay.


Cloud clutters the coast




until a strip of blue renews..


'Remember in Cornwall how we'd watch the clouds,

for clear sky and leave the caravan

to chase the sun?'


I do remember


He walks past our car, 

parked under the spread of an old walnut tree,

to the church of St John and stares

at Byzantine frescoes

of a dickless Jesus.


‘There's something missing’. He says.




◄ Stockport - September

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