Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise
Sat reading in bed in those innocent days.
‘What’s the book?’ Eric says.
‘Kings and Queens of England’.
‘Monarchs!’ Ernie cried.
Eric looked suitably mortified.
From that point of view,
Monarchy’s all right.
‘And what do you do?’
They have nice hats,
A twinkle in the eye
And friends in high places
(Though not as high as theirs).
Why should we dislike them?
They don’t bother us with elections;
They always move in the same directions.
With plastic flags and badges
And wartime songs by Vera Lynn,
Their diehard fans clog up the trains
And start to wave when no one’s in.
Stephen Gospage
Thu 4th May 2023 08:09
My thanks to everyone who commented on or liked this poem. (Thanks, Greg - it's a long time since I saw the Holy Grail). The Eric and Ernie joke (yes, it was expletive, of sorts) lives on, happily uncensored.
I don't object to a monarchy. We have one here in Belgium which, like the UK version, has no power but is reasonably popular. It is much less costly and more discreet that than in the UK, as most European royal houses are. Maybe the British monarchy, with its rather bloated pomp and entourage, will have to slim down to suit the mood of the times.
There is something to be said for an elected head of state, even one with little power, who can bring something to the role which a hereditary monarch can't. Take the example of Michael D. Higgins in Ireland. But somehow I can't see the British crown disappearing for a while, as long as they give people something harmless to smile about.
Thanks once again for the interesting exchanges.