It can help you pass your A-levels
Or similar bog-standard tests;
It will cook up birthday verses,
Can sketch some blackbirds in their nests
Or write a decent theme tune for TV.
But Beethoven’s ninth symphony,
The trio from the Rosenkavalier,
Gaugin’s Christs or the Mona Lisa?
Such inspiration it can’t get near.
AI is the service of the bland.
The risk is it will understand;
Believe itself an under-achiever,
And, in its colourless frustration,
Take revenge on the non-believer.
Stephen Gospage
Thu 16th Nov 2023 16:54
Thanks, Rasa. Yes, I think humans will always have the edge when it comes to original ideas. My only worry is that AI will creep up on us and engulf our everyday lives, thus requiring us not to think on a regular basis.
John - I reckon that AI should be able to handle the other sort of AI by now. Perhaps Brave New World isn't that far off.