Civis sum Mundi
Civis sum Mundi
In the Kingdom of Woke we are required to answer many questions,
to fill in forms confessing who we are and where we come from.
This is designed to give us labels to wear revealing our identity,
as did the Nazis with coloured stars and triangles.
What you see is what you get.
Name given at birth.
Nationality (where we arrived)
Colour (several options)
Religion to be declared.
What are your educational qualifications or other skills?
Do you belong to any group or organisation?
Are your parents British?
Do you have any disabilities, mental or physical.
Do you own or rent your home?
Do you have any dependents or others living with you?
Do you have a criminal record?
Can you drive?
What is your sexual orientation LGBWTUXYZ?
Are you married, in a Civil partnership, divorced or single?
Is your partner racially different to yourself (please specify)?
How frequently do you cut your toe nails?
The list is endless
They never ask who we are but only what we are
Then we are categorized, labelled and the information recorded.
When you have completed the form you have sacrificed your identity.
There is one box I use frequently - OTHER.
They wish to control us.
We must resist.
Our freedom is at stake.
PS. Please enclose a photograph
Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh
Tue 13th Jun 2023 21:10
Semantics eh?
So what precisely are those "certain mindsets" ?
Ah, it's Those "Mindsets" which now constitute an imminent threat to the "traditional" white, churchgoing STATUS QUO.
The Staus Quo which says "Let's forget that I've not attended a Christian church for the last 30, 40, 50 years, but hey, the bullshit serves the narrative! "