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Captain Crappy Rides Again (Or 'God Help Us')

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Does he know that he’s lying

Or is he perhaps past caring?

Or has he now crossed that line

Where rights and wrongs intertwine

To a point beyond repairing?


Do we care if he’s telling lies?

Well, it seems that some people do;

They’ve had it up to here with him

And for the moment things look grim

For the Captain and his motley crew.


Could it be true he’s finally gone

Or does he plan on coming back?

His universe, where round is square,

Still holds appeal for some out there

And he gets bored when things are slack.


So be afraid and keep your nerve

For another dishonest campaign,

Where black is white, twice two is five,

Clapped-out porkies are still alive,

When Captain Crappy rides again.



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Stephen Gospage

Fri 16th Jun 2023 06:03

No such qualifications, Uilleam, but it could be a bit of both, or maybe, as my poem suggests, he simply can't tell right from wrong any more.

Thanks to Manish, Holden, Rudyard, John B and Stephen.

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 15th Jun 2023 09:21

Perhaps readers suitably qualified in the field could enlighten us on which mental condition is relevant here-
Sociopathy or Psychopathy?

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 14th Jun 2023 17:19

Thanks for your comments, Graham, Keith and Uilleam.

BJ is like the Trumps and Berlusconis of this world, who believe that telling the truth and playing by the rules is only for other people, while they can lie and mislead as much as they like. Sadly, they have the ability to dupe millions of people, so in that sense we do get the leaders we deserve. Of course, thare is still a fear he may come back!

And thanks to Hugh and Clare for the likes.

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 14th Jun 2023 10:41

Is it really true that we "Get the government we deserve"?
If so, then god help humanity.

Who actually voted for this self-serving shower of shit?
Why isn't Pinnochio either dead in a ditch somewhere, or under a bulldozer as he promised?

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keith jeffries

Wed 14th Jun 2023 10:15

He is no more or less than a blithering idiot. If he were put in charge of a bus stop he would not know which side of the road to put it on. Good riddance I say.
Thank you for this. I needed a mini rant.

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 14th Jun 2023 09:29

Unusual to see a non-Ukraine piece from you SG.
I’m afraid it is all just another piece in the rich tapestry of our self-serving political system.
Personally I’m glad we’re out of Europe and it will be the one thing I’ll thank BJ for (twat that he is).
At my stage of development I don’t really care who gets in next time.

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