Night Sight
The journalist asked nervously:
‘How many Russians have you shot?’
Juggling with his imprecision,
The marksman grunted ‘quite a lot.’
I suppose we should not be shocked,
Since he is fighting on our side,
But somehow you feel a shiver
When seeing how so many died.
You see them stalked like animals
By cold, nocturnal infra-red.
The night sight clicks; one pot, then more,
Bang! Bang! Job done, they all lie dead.
I guess it has to be this way;
Our foes must be spied and halted.
In war life and its end come cheap,
Wrapped in numbers half-reported.
Stephen Gospage
Thu 22nd Jun 2023 13:17
Many thanks, John. A tragic situation in one finds oneself conflicted on many levels.
Thanks to Tom and Manish.