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The Dishonours List or The Polishing & Flushing of Sundry Richard IIIrds on the 9th of June 2023

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The Dishonours List


The  Polishing & Flushing of Sundry Richard IIIrds on the 9th of June 2023


It’s said that he ran; or perhaps he was pushed?

Is the admiring herd now immune to his sleaze?

Will the Çee U Next Tuesdays be finally flushed?

Perchance we may dream of not swimming in fæces!


There’s a proverb of old:‘One can’t polish a turd’;

An impossible task-or so one might think!

But under Charles the Third, a miracle’s occurred,

From the cesspit is risen an historic old stink;


Honours for favours, now a debased currency,

Awarded to shit-flinging pantomime Dames,

Who’re woefully at odds with a suffering humanity;

Their legacy is ever more strife and more pain.


Their rallying cry sounds:‘We must stop the boats’,

(‘But we didn’t know they shot refugees in Rwanda’

They bullshit) whilst racially dog-whistling votes.

Lies, cruelty and ignorance are their Lingua Franca.


Yes,‘Read all about it!’ cries that sewer’s Daily Heil,

Who once loved to dance to Pinocchio’s tunes,

That paragon of veritable truth and of style,

A rag well-belovèd of the swivel-eyed loons.


‘Oh infamy, oh infamy, they’ve all got it infamy!’

The Turd-in-Chief weeps as he floats away.

Chez ‘Spoons now, the Unicorn steak’s gone Gammony,

The Uplands are enveloped in a Moggy foggy day.


Richard the thirdCharles the thirdgammonunicornsPinnochio

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Greg Freeman

Wed 21st Jun 2023 07:50

This is political poetry that is indeed 'polished'! Rhyme and meter is always a good start.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 15th Jun 2023 19:32

I like your sense of humour MC.
"....his history as a journalist"?

I'll go halfway with you and say as a "raconteur of tall tales"; lying is as normal to Johnson as breathing.

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 15th Jun 2023 18:28

I wait with interest for the next chapter - perhaps literally, courtesy of Bojo's own pen. I doubt if he will stay silent and his
history as a journalist and author provides ample opportunity for
a lively response now that he's free from the cant and counter-
cant of political in-fighting.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 15th Jun 2023 18:05

Thanks all for your generous encouraging comments and likes.

It's beginning to make perfect sense now-makes me proud to be British.
His Majesty King Charles the Third will have to bestow honours on people that he knows were partying, chucking up on the carpet, and setting fire alarms off on the eve of his father's funeral-charming.

Off with their heads Charlie!

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 15th Jun 2023 14:11

I'm always willing to learn Telboy.

Your working definition of what constitutes "a poem" is still welcome.
Also, could you recommend me some reading matter so I can improve my vocabulary?

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 15th Jun 2023 09:01

I always knew that 1st class honours in Scatology would come in handy one day-
Thank God for the Tories!

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Wed 14th Jun 2023 20:24

This poem and others in a similar vein remind me of an adolescent using a bit of smutty language in front of his Mum for the first time.

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 14th Jun 2023 17:27

An absolute cracker, Uilleam. Perhaps they should call for Captain Crappy - oh God, they did.

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 14th Jun 2023 14:41

It's always good to know where our members' sentiments lie.

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keith jeffries

Wed 14th Jun 2023 13:29

A masterpiece.

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