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Most are old or dead now but forever they will be

Young men, stuff of legend from 1953

It claimed the lives of many; "Yours too!" the world would scoff

"But we did it, me and Norgay - we knocked the bastard off".





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M.C. Newberry

Mon 26th Jun 2023 16:44

JC - I take the view that there was a realisation the post-WW2
era and all that was sacrificed was a turning-point for the days
of empire and steps were taken accordingly in many areas to
arrange for that eventuality. With regard to the Suez Canal,
this was an international waterway upon which many nations
relied but where both the UK and France had a front=row
interest historically. The empire has taken a revisionist bashing
with the benefit of hindsight but its relevance is still apparent
in the existence of today's Commonwealth membership, some
of which were'nt even originally involved!

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John Coopey

Sun 25th Jun 2023 18:08

I don’t understand too much of your response, MC, although I think “adjusting its position” is probably a euphemism for “losing”. So what would the Empire have looked like if Britain had retained control of Suez?

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 25th Jun 2023 16:34

Somewhere, I have old contemporary press cuttings about those
days (found in an auction). There was a concentrated political
concern about the changes and limitations that Nasser's action
over the Suez canal (wasn't that waterway the brilliant
conception from a French designer?) would see decisions
made about navigation that indicated restrictions inimical to
multi-national shipping that used the canal? It was a trading
link that affected more than just the nations that took action to
prevent it. It's a fascinating thing to wonder what would have
resulted had that action succeeded? But the times, they were a'changing for such police actions, with GB adjusting its
position in places like Malaya and the French suffering defeat
in a certain far east colony before the US found their own
trouble there.

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John Coopey

Sun 25th Jun 2023 09:50

Supposing the US hadn’t reined in John Bull over Suez, MC, how would you have envisaged Britain’s future going forward from that? “Wider still and wider”?

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 25th Jun 2023 01:09

hyperbole - you can say that again!


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M.C. Newberry

Sat 24th Jun 2023 21:27

IC - I assume you mean that's why the US thought they could
gainsay an "ally" themselves by invading UK territory because
it suited them? Just what was the UN response to that
particular intrusion? Give me the Aussies & Kiwis any time,
especially when they had been so dismissively treated by
the political stitch=up in progress with our erstwhile enemies
across the Channel.
UIC - don't presume you understand my reference to mundane
inadequacy. Much of what passes for quality nowadays is
actually mediocrity. Or as W.S. Gilbert wrote "Skimmed milk
masquerades as cream".
There's so much of it about - not least in politics, news reporting, and general issues - that one would be hard pressed to know where to begin at any given time.
Mediocrity and hyperbole do a good job reassuring each other's existence in today's world..

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John Coopey

Sat 24th Jun 2023 17:18

“He who pays the piper…”, MC. And we found out with Suez that we weren’t the piper anymore. The US was.
Incidentally, besides the US and the USSR, the UN deplored the Anglo-French- Israeli invasion. In fact, other than we 3 only Australia and New Zealand supported us.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 24th Jun 2023 13:54

In what way are "these mundane days of inadequacy", MC?
Ah-you mean there's less pink on the map of the globe?

Actually there are people doing amazing things all the time, all over the world.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 24th Jun 2023 13:48

In the interests of fairness one ought to mention:...Mr. Jamling Norgay (Mr. Tenzing's son), says Sherpas are the "unsung heroes" of Mount Everest and with the advent of large commercial climbing expeditions their job has gotten more dangerous.

"The Sherpas risk their lives more than anyone else. On an average climb, a member of the team would go to the South Col, which is the last camp at 2,600 feet (8,600 meters)," he says. "The average Sherpa would make about eight trips to the South Col to drop supplies, so their risk is a lot higher."

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 24th Jun 2023 13:02

Maybe not, but they chose to be more interventional rather than
neutral. Hence, the suspicion, with much justification, that the
"Special Relationship" was more of an illusion than a reality.
Remember when the USA chose to send its troops into Grenada -
British territory - without so much as a "by your leave"?

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John Coopey

Sat 24th Jun 2023 12:52

Not sure it was the USA’s responsibility to prop up our Empire, MC.

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 24th Jun 2023 12:49

A useful reminder in these mundane days of inadequacy,
Suez...ah yes, a salutary lesson about our US ally, with the
name Dulles at the forefront with a dig at the British Empire.
Ther were two of that name in US politics, with the other having
a very questionable position in the matter of what went down
before, during and after the murder of JFK.

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John Coopey

Sat 24th Jun 2023 12:33

Those early 50’s must have seemed like World Order Restored. Germany defeated, rationing ending, swathes of pink still around the globe, wonderful new queen, Roger Bannister, Everest, Festival of Britain etc. You remember, Graham.
At least until Suez brought us up sharp.

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Graham Sherwood

Sat 24th Jun 2023 11:28

Good to see this important anniversary recorded and remembered JC. I'm half way through a piece about it too, so you've beaten me to the finishing line somewhat. Ah well! Good on yer!

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John Coopey

Sat 24th Jun 2023 08:52

Thankyou Uilleam and Kevin for the Like. 70th anniversary just passed.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 24th Jun 2023 08:35

Reaching for the stars in the year of the rabbit.

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