The Man I Am
After Vernon Scannell
Every day demands a new persona.
A different man is putting on my clothes.
Mister Grumpy in his grey pullover,
Who’s determined to tell you what he loathes.
A gentle carer awakes next morning,
Swiftly attending his relatives’ needs,
Helpfully heeding anxious warnings,
Nurturing all of his precious fresh seeds.
The libertine waster is next to emerge,
Fond of company, a laugh and a joke,
A gambler, a drinker, the server’s scourge,
A lifetime’s pension going up in smoke!
In only one life so many men live,
Each one believing the other’s a sham!
An inveterate taker with so much to give,
Powerless to tell you the man I am.
John Botterill
Tue 27th Jun 2023 16:02
Thanks, Kevin. I really appreciate your comment. I couldn't be a boxer either, although Vernon Scannell was. 😀