The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

All Roads Lead to You

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All Roads Lead to You


People told me it was possible

They said 'you'll know when it feels right'

They didn’t tell me there would be a struggle in finding it

Paved by constant disappointment  and spite


Drowning in a sea of confusion

Smashed by perilous waves of doubt

I realised I would first have to love myself 

To be able to survive and get out


And then I did—But still the crux in the journey never eased

I worked at every angle

But never could succeed


Despite my different approaches

It eventuated with: wrong time, wrong place, wrong person

The situations I found myself in

Just seemed to worsen


And so I accepted that I am happy being alone

I let go of imagining an unmistakable connection with a special other

Reciprocation of care without limits

Of unconditional love

And feeling home


But perhaps a  feeling of defeat is what is takes

To be able to finally discover the beautifully unimaginable, the precious, the unfelt and unknown


After all the pain, the confusion and the false starts

Feeling perpetually unheard and unseen

And everything else I've been through

I know it's all worth it

Because it's brought me to exactly where I'm meant to me

These roads led me to you


◄ My Ticket Out

Still Here ►


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