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Ignorant Innocence

There's a difference between ignorance and innocence

Each child born is innocent and also worldly ignorant 

God has blessed each human with natural insticts of survival

That no man learns when he's born, it's naturally inbuilt 

But what we attain as education and experience 

Is what slowly removes our ignorance 

In the process of growing we need to keep in mind 

Ignorance should be replaced with knowledge and wisdom

But innocence shouldn't be replaced with wickedness or cruelty

It's all in the parenting, neighborhood, society and schooling

That's what makes a child a worldly wise human being 

Having wisdom, intelligence and common sense is part of mental growth

But if innocence is lost it isn't growth rather it's sabotaging childhood 

Always provide best of education, life skills and worldly wisdom 

And restrain from killing the child's innocence by exposing them to filthy environment

These places could be over the internet, in homes, schools, neighborhood or society

So choose well the places you take your child to provide them entertainment and amenities

It's always a pleasure to see one's child grow into a refined human being 

But seeing them grow wicked, cruel and demonic isn't a pleasant feel

What goes around comes back, so deliver best to children and receive the same later on

Being a wise and intelligent parent is a must 

In order to protect child's common sense, goodness and innocence


◄ There's no reason

Me ►


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Tue 19th Sep 2023 23:32

Wise words Nigel🌷

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Nigel Astell

Fri 18th Aug 2023 13:00

Love them no matter what
If things don't work out
Just being there helps❤

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